Most of what hOme came to be from a graphic point of view originated between 2003 and 2009 as we were putting out about 20 new t-shirt graphics each year.
At the time most of our t-shirts were printed at Lowrider Teeshirt, the excellent screenprinting studio set up by Serge Nidegger* in Fribourg. I loved screenprinting so much that I ended up spending pretty much all my time there, up to the point where Serge let me print our sales samples on my own, often handing me the keys to the atelier on week-ends.
It's also during that time that I started going on solo photo missions to shoot our t-shirts on drying racks for our catalogs. A couple of these shots ended up in this book.
*Serge is a wonderfull illustrator and paint letterer.
I can guarantee that following him on instagram will brighten your day on a regular basis.